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Belgium to France

Susanne Brüsch

Belgium to Paris - E-Bike Africa

In Belgium the greatest thing were the people we met and the little coinsidences that sometimes make for a very special day. When we arrived in Ghent, exhausted, soaked and freezing, and all hostels were fully booked, the receptionist of one of the hostels felt sorry to send us away and invited us to stay at her house. A bad moment turned into one of the

most fun nights. And we turned her flatmates' civilized dinner with their parents into something unexpected „wink“-Emoticon And that's just one example. Yesterday, we took a day off in Kortrijk to get some work done and cycled some 80+ kilometers into France today through the lovely city of Lille. Two more days to Paris!



Susanne Brüsch

Katzbachstr. 21

10965 Berlin



+49 30 55576439

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Photo credits: Susanne Brüsch (SB), Michael Burger (MB), Andreas Törpsch (AT), Susanne Hassepaß (SH), Liesa Rademacher (LR), Nora Manthey (NM),

Uwe Schlemender (US), Bruce MacLeod (BML), Henrik Beamer (HB), Andreas Gutmann (AG), Ondra Veltrusky (OV), Pedelec Adventures (PA)

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